Other unpublished manuscripts

The following are manuscripts that are previously either unpublished or have been privately published with a small print run. These manuscripts may contain errors such as those of spelling, grammar and incorrect quotations and references, which would normally have been detected and corrected in the course of publication. There are also places where the information given is the personal view of the writer at the time, is uncorroborated and also possibly inaccurate. It is felt that their historical value as an archive outweighs these defects which should none the less be taken into account if reference is made to these works in future publications:

This history records the arrest and interrogation of some 30 Bahá'ís in Tehran in 1882-3, as well as some events in Sarvistán, Ábádih, Sidih, Yazd, Rasht, Qazvín, Mahfurúzak and Jasb.


ALMP30. Author not given, Bahá'í history of Isfahan based upon a series of biographies


ALMP26. Bahá'í History of Sangsar (and Shahmírzád) to 1932

Afnán, Mírzá Hábíbu'lláh

Bahá'í History of Shiraz. Includes invaluable details about the life of the Báb.

Bahá'í, Mírzá `Alí Muhammad Khán

ALMP27. History of the Seven Martyrs of Yazd. Deals with the 1891 episode of persecution.

Balyuzi, Hasan

A play about the connections between the Bahá’í Faith and Britain

Balyuzi, Hasan

A play about the Martyrdom of the Bab

Hamadání, Amídu'l-Atibbá

ALMP18. Bahá'í History of Rasht from 1307/1889 to 1903

Hamadání, Mírzá Mahdí Tabíb

ALMP17. Although stated to be a Bahá'í history of Hamadan and Rasht, this work is in fact an autobiographical memoir of Mírzá Mahdí, a Jewish Bahá'í physician of Hamadan.

Fu'ádí Bushrú'í, Hasan

Bahá'í History of Khurásán, about 1931

Isfahání, Mírzá Asadu'lláh

Yád-dásht-há (Notes). Memoirs of the author's travels around Iran from about 1879 to 1882

Isfahání, Nátiq

ALMP46. Bahá'í History of Káshán and surrounding villages from 1845 to April 1930

MacCallum, Pixie

The Early History of the Bahá'í Faith in Stornoway/Western Isles

Malik-Khusraví, Muhammad `Ali

AMLP37. Malik-Khusraví, Muhammad `Ali, Yád-dásht-há (Notes).

Mishkí, Mahmúd

ALMP42. Account of the author's involvement in the episode in 1950 when a number of Bahá'ís in Yazd were falsely accused in death of a woman and her children in Abarqú.

Mudarris Jánimí, Áqá Fathu'lláh

ALMP48. Bahá'í History of Najafábád, covers events from the time of the Báb to about 1919

Nayrízí, Muhammad Husayn

ALMP36. Bahá'í History of Nayriz from 1850 until 1345/1926

Nizám al-Mamálik Tákurí, Mírzá Fadlu'lláh

ALMP29: History of Núr, includes information on the life of Bahá'u'lláh.

Núr, Husayn `Alí

ALMP49. Áqá Husayn `Alí Núr, History of Isfahan and the Migration from Isfahan to Tehran

Ábádihí, Qábil

ALMP16B. Qábil Ábádihí, Táríkh-i Amrí Ábádih (Bahá'í History of Ábádih)

Ábádihí, Qábil

ALMP56. Bahá'í History of `Izzábád, Sharafábád va Mahdiyábád. Deals with events from about 1888 to 1925

Ábádihí, Qábil

ALMP54. Bahá'í History of Hurmuzak from conversion of first Bahá'ís in 1901 until 1926

Ábádihí, Qábil

ALMP55. Bahá'í History of Husaynábád

Ábádihí, Qábil

ALMP57. Táríkh-i Yazd (History of Yazd)

Redman, Earl

(USA, Alaska, Chile)

Khanum, Ruhiyyih

Saní`í Uskú'í , Mírzá Haydar `Alí

ALMP20 and ALMP21. 2 manuscripts of a Bahá'í History of Ádharbáyján. Includes accounts of the most important individuals and events of Ádharbáyján (and extends to Bádkúbih)i.

Shahmírzádí, Áqá Mír Muhammad Ridá

ALMP22. Events at Shaykh Tabarsí and Shahmírzád

Zanjání, Mírzá Husayn

ALMP25. The work deals solely with the Babi upheaval in Zanjan and its antecedents

Zayn, Nuru'd-Dín

ALMP60 and ALMP61. Memoirs of a Life in the Service of the Beloved. Author includes material relating to his father Zayn al-Muqarrabín.
