Táríkh-i Shuhadá-yi Sab`ih Yazd

Bahá'í, Mírzá `Alí Muhammad Khán

Táríkh-i Shuhadá-yi Sab`ih Yazd

ALMP27. Mírzá `Alí Muhammad Khán Bahá'í, Táríkh-i Shuhadá-yi Sab`ih Yazd (History of the Seven Martyrs of Yazd). Deals with the 1891 episode of persecution. The author was at the time not a Bahá'í and was one of the attendants of Jalálu'd-Dawlih. AL Mss., 9 quarto pp. Was published in Ahang-i Badí`, year 26, no. 12, pp. 381-8.

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