Akhbár-i Amrí
Lajnih-yi Nashr-i Nafahát and later by Mahfil-i Ruhání-yi Millí-yi Baháiyán-i Írán , Tehran, Iran
News Bulletin published under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran
Published at first by “Lajnih-yi Nashr-i Nafahát” (Committee for the Diffusion of the Divine Faragrances) and then by Mahfil-i Ruhání-yi Millí-yi Baháiyán-i Írán (National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Iran)
Dates Published: 1922-1981.
1922-1949: At first, publication year was from April to April. Thus the last issue of each publication year goes into the first and second Baha’i months and the first Solar Hijrí month of the next year. Publication was one issue per Solar Hijrí month. Twelve issues per year.
1949-1970: The publication year was then adjusted so that it began and ended with Naw-Rúz each year, thus corresponding exactly to the Bahá’í and Solar Hijrí years. Publication was one issue per Solar Hijrí month. Twelve issues per year.
There was a break in publication after the attack on the Bahá’ís in 1955. A new series started in 1959.
1970: Publication was somewhat erratic during this year and there were 14 issues with most issues covering one Bahá’í month.
1971-1981: 19 issues per year, each issue covering one Bahá’í month.
Dates available on this website:
Other websites with this publication:
Cite this digital edition as: Sandy, UK: Afnan Library, 2017
These scanned copies from B.E. 102 to B.E. 111 are taken from bound copies of the journal originally owned by Mr Hormuzdiar Sabet and contain his annotations, frequently noting the original English text that has been translated in the journal.
Issues missing: If anyone has any of the missing issues and can send them or scans of them, we would add them to this online collection. In particular, we are looking for:
Year 46, 1346 AHS, 124 BE, nos. 11-12
Year 48, 1348 AHS, 126 BE, no. 12
PDF: Same as the online version.
DOCX: Text version of the document.
TOC: Table of contents (PDF) from inside the volume or created separately.
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